JUMP TOTogether APIsChatCreate chat completionpostCompletionCreate completionpostEmbeddingsCreate embeddingpostModelsList all modelsgetImagesCreate imagepostFilesList all filesgetList filegetDelete a filedeleteGet file contentsgetFine-tuningCreate jobpostList all jobsgetList jobgetList job eventsgetDownload modelgetCancel jobpostRerankCreate a rerank requestpostAudioCreate audio generation requestpostEndpointsList all endpoints, can be filtered by typegetCreate a dedicated endpoint, it will start automaticallypostGet endpoint by IDgetUpdate endpoint, this can also be used to start or stop a dedicated endpointpatchDelete endpointdeleteHardwareList available hardware configurationsgetDeprecated APIInferencepostCOMMAND LINE INTERFACEInstallationChatCompletionsEndpointsFilesFine-tuningImagesModelsGENERALInference ModelsPython LibraryAuthenticationModelsList all models To list all the available models, run together models list: Bash# List models together models list View all commands To see all the available chat commands, run: Shelltogether models --help