Deployment Options

Together Enterprise Platform Deployment Options

Together AI offers a flexible and powerful platform that enables organizations to deploy in a way that best suits their needs. Whether you're looking for a fully-managed cloud solution, secure VPC deployment on any cloud, or an on-prem option, Together AI provides robust tools, superior performance, and comprehensive support.

Deployment Options Overview

Together AI provides three key deployment options:

  • Together AI Cloud: A fully-managed, inference platform that is fast, scalable, and cost-efficient.
  • VPC Deployment: Deploy Together AI's Enterprise Platform within your own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on any cloud platform for enhanced security and control.
  • On-premise Deployment: Leverage Together AI's Enterprise Platform on your own infrastructure with full customization.

The following sections provide an overview of each deployment type, along with a detailed responsibility matrix comparing the features and benefits of each option.

Together AI Cloud

Together AI Cloud is a fully-managed service that runs in Together AI's cloud infrastructure. With seamless access to Together's products, this option is ideal for companies that want to get started quickly without the overhead of managing their own infrastructure.

Key Features

  • Fully Managed: Together AI handles infrastructure, scaling, and orchestration.
  • Fast and Scalable: Both Dedicated and Serverless API endpoints ensure optimal performance and scalability.
  • Cost-Effective: Pay-as-you-go pricing with the option for reserved endpoints at a discount.
  • Privacy & Security: Full control over your data; Together AI ensures SOC 2 and HIPAA compliance.
  • Ideal Use Case: Best suited for AI-native startups and companies that need fast, easy deployment without infrastructure management.

For more information on Together AI Cloud, contact our team.

Together AI VPC Deployment

Together AI VPC Deployment allows you to deploy the platform in your own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on any cloud provider (such as Google Cloud, Azure, AWS, or others). This option is ideal for enterprises that need enhanced security, control, and compliance while benefiting from Together AI's powerful AI stack.

Key Features

  • Cloud-Agnostic: Deploy within your VPC on any cloud platform of your choice (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).
  • Full Control: Complete administrative access, enabling you to manage and control ingress and egress traffic within your VPC.
  • High Performance: Achieve up to 2x faster performance on your existing infrastructure, optimized for your environment.
  • Data Sovereignty: Data never leaves your controlled environment, ensuring complete security and compliance.
  • Customization: Tailor scaling, performance, and resource allocation to fit your infrastructure’s specific needs.
  • Ideal Use Case: Perfect for enterprises with strict security, privacy, and compliance requirements who want to retain full control over their cloud infrastructure.

Example: VPC Deployment in AWS

Below is an example of how Together AI VPC Deployment works in an AWS environment. This system diagram illustrates the architecture and flow:

VPC Deployment in AWS
  1. Secure VPC Peering: Together AI connects to your AWS environment via secure VPC peering, ensuring data remains entirely within your AWS account.
  2. Private Subnets: All data processing and model inference happens within private subnets, isolating resources from the internet.
  3. Control of Ingress/Egress Traffic: You have full control over all traffic entering and leaving your VPC, including restrictions on external network access.
  4. Data Sovereignty: Since all computations are performed within your VPC, data never leaves your controlled environment.
  5. Custom Scaling: Leverage AWS autoscaling groups to ensure that your AI workloads scale seamlessly with demand, while maintaining complete control over resources.

Although this example uses AWS, the architecture can be adapted to other cloud providers such as Azure or Google Cloud with similar capabilities.

For more information on VPC deployment, get in touch with us.

Together AI On-Premise Deployment

For organizations that have strict data residency, compliance, or infrastructure needs, Together AI can also be deployed on-premise. This option provides complete sovereignty over both your hardware and AI stack, with the flexibility to customize your environment as needed.

Key Features

  • Complete Isolation: Your data and models remain entirely within your private infrastructure.
  • Custom Infrastructure: Full control over your deployment, with the ability to configure hardware and software to meet specific needs.
  • Security and Compliance: Implement your own security and compliance protocols, with no external dependencies.
  • Ideal Use Case: Best for enterprises with stringent regulatory requirements, data sovereignty needs, or those that want complete control over their entire AI environment.

For more information on on-premise deployments, reach out to our experts.

Comparison of Deployment Options

FeatureTogether AI CloudTogether AI VPC DeploymentTogether AI On-Prem Deployment
How It WorksFully-managed, serverless API endpoints.

On-demand and reserved dedicated endpoints for production workloads - with consistent performance and no rate limits.
Deploy Together's Platform and inference stack in your VPC on any cloud platform.Deploy Together AI’s platform on your own hardware or clusters.
PerformanceOptimal performance with Together inference stack and Together Turbo Endpoints.Better performance on your infrastructure: Up to 2x better speed on existing infrastructureBetter performance on your infrastructure: Up to 2x better speed on existing infrastructure
CostPay-as-you-go, or discounts for reserved endpoints.Lower TCO through faster performance and optimized GPU usage.Lower TCO through faster performance and optimized GPU usage.
ManagementFully-managed service, no infrastructure to manage.You manage your VPC, with Together AI’s support. Managed service offering also available.You manage everything, with full administrative control.
ScalingAutomatic scaling to meet demand.Intelligent scaling based on your infrastructure. Fully customizable.Intelligent scaling based on your infrastructure. Fully customizable.
Data Privacy & SecurityData ownership with SOC 2 and HIPAA compliance.Data never leaves your environment.Full control over data security and residency.
ComplianceSOC 2 and HIPAA compliant.Implement security and compliance controls to match internal standards.Fully customizable compliance protocols.
Support24/7 support with guaranteed SLAs.Dedicated support with engineers on call.Full support with experts available as needed.
Ideal ForStartups and companies that want quick, easy access to AI infrastructure without managing it.Enterprises with stringent security and privacy needs, or those leveraging existing cloud infrastructure.Enterprises with strict regulatory or infrastructure requirements.

Next Steps

To get started with Together AI’s platform, we recommend trying the Together AI Cloud for quick deployment and experimentation. If your organization has specific security, infrastructure, or compliance needs, consider Together AI VPC or On-Prem Deployment.

For more information, or to find the best deployment option for your business, contact our team.