The Files function of the Together Python Library is used to upload training and validation datasets that can be used for features like Fine-tuning. You can upload, manage, and delete datasets from the command line or the Python Library.

See all commands with:

together files --help


Before you can upload a dataset, you will need to format it. See the fine-tuning page for a guide on how to prepare your data.


To upload a new data file:

together files upload <FILENAME>

Here's a sample output:

$ together files upload example.jsonl
Uploading example.jsonl: 100%|██████████████████████████████| 5.18M/5.18M [00:01<00:00, 4.20MB/s]
    "filename": "example.jsonl",
    "id": "file-d931200a-6b7f-476b-9ae2-8fddd5112308",
    "object": "file"

The id field in the response will be the assigned file-id for this file object.


To list previously uploaded files:

together files list


To retrieve the metadata of a previously uploaded file,

together files retrieve <FILE-ID>

Here's a sample output:

$ together files retrieve file-d931200a-6b7f-476b-9ae2-8fddd5112308
    "filename": "example.jsonl",
    "bytes": 5433223,
    "created_at": 1690432046,
    "id": "file-d931200a-6b7f-476b-9ae2-8fddd5112308",
    "purpose": "fine-tune",
    "object": "file",
    "LineCount": 0,
    "Processed": true

Retrieve content

To download a previously uploaded file,

together files retrieve-content <FILE-ID>

Here's a sample output:

$ together files retrieve-content file-d931200a-6b7f-476b-9ae2-8fddd5112308
Downloading file-d931200a-6b7f-476b-9ae2-8fddd5112308.jsonl: 100%|██████████| 5.43M/5.43M [00:00<00:00, 10.0MiB/s]

You can specify the output filename with --output FILENAME or -o FILENAME. By default, the dataset is saved to <FILE-ID>.jsonl.


To delete a previously uploaded file,

together files delete <FILE-ID>

Here's a sample output:

$ together files delete file-d931200a-6b7f-476b-9ae2-8fddd5112308
    "id": "file-d931200a-6b7f-476b-9ae2-8fddd5112308",
    "object": "file",
    "deleted": "true"